For me, one of the toughest aspects of being a litigator is time – the amount of time that passes between the beginning of a case and the end. The fact of the matter is, whether tried, settled, or otherwise, it takes a while to get through any case (there are assuredly exceptions, in which settlement happens within days of filing a complaint, but those are definitely exceptions). “A while” can mean anything from 3 months to 36 months (or even beyond). Even at the low end, that’s generally longer than me or my clients want to wait.
Yesterday was a big day for WSMLEGAL. After five and a half months in business, great results are happening for WSMLEGAL clients. Prior to that, the successes involved cases that pre-dated WSMLEGAL and came with me when I formed the firm. I certainly appreciated each one of those results, and I can’t begin to describe the appreciation I have for each one of those clients and their trust in me. Yesterday, however, two matters that originated at WSMLEGAL came to a successful close. One was very early in the litigation, and I suspect the settlement was the result of a meeting of all parties and their counsel about two weeks ago. The other, after pushing very hard for an expedited trial date, was settled at the courthouse, literally minutes before the trial was to begin. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to have one of those moments that made me pause, reflect, and smile.
There have been a lot of those moments over the past five and a half months. From the first day open, to the first time saying “Will Helou of WSMLEGAL for the Defendants” in court, to the first signed engagement letter, to the first invoice and check, I have had several occasions to just stop and think “wow” and smile. Yesterday, the smile was bigger than ever before.
It was a good day.
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