With years of experience advising nonprofit clients, WSMLEGAL has the experience and expertise to navigate the complex issues facing them today. Tennessee nonprofit laws are a complex minefield. With severe consequences for failure to comply, including entity, board member, and officer liability, vigilant compliance is a must. With experience both working for the State in nonprofit investigations and for nonprofits with compliance issues, WSMLEGAL can safely guide clients through the minefield.
WSMLEGAL’s nonprofit organization practice spans advising clients on issues ranging from start-up to executive pay to conflict transactions to alteration of gift restrictions to merger / wind-down / dissolution. WSMLEGAL’s nonprofit organization practice focuses on advising clients to prevent issues from arising. That said, WSMLEGAL has also been retained to help in the “clean-up phase,” after a potential impropriety has been discovered. That can often entail an internal investigation, filing an action on behalf of the nonprofit or some of its members, or defending a nonprofit after an action has been filed by a government entity or some of its members.
At WSMLEGAL, nonprofit organizations get the benefit of a wide range of experience guiding clients through creating and implementing preventative processes, as well as experience representing nonprofits in corrective actions after a potential issue has been discovered.